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Learn How to Relax.

Physical Symptoms of Trance

There are eight physical factors of trance or physiological changes that take place that are used to help clinicians ascertain when their clients are in hypnosis.  There is, however, no measured way of knowing at what exact moment a client progresses from their usual state of awareness to the more focused state of hypnosis.  It is through experience that the clinician becomes aware of the physical characteristics associated with trance, using the eight physical factors listed below as general indicators of its presence.


Muscular relaxation

Muscular relaxation is one of the main bonuses of hypnosis when a client feels safe and ready to truly let go and get out of their own way. It is a wonderful feeling when the muscles in the body start to relax.  It may be hard to notice if a client is relaxing, however, the face can show quite obvious signs as often an individual’s features change as it looks as though skin sags and droops.


Muscular twitching

As the muscles start to relax, they can often twitch, jump or move as relaxation floods or fills the area.  This is very evident when using a script that talks through parts of the body, the body part being discussed will often twitch in response to its relaxing, however, each client experiences trance differently.  Obvious signs include involuntary body movements, large jerks or minute twitches; sometimes a finger can even lift in agreement.



Lachrymation is the secretion of tears or the watering of the eyes.


Eye closure with eyeballs moving under the eyelids

Once the eyes close, there can be quite a bit of movement from the eye moving around from side to side under the closed eyelid. Take note to see if this happens as a suggestion is given. This is often a significant sign that the client is accepting of and taking on board the new suggestions that are being uploaded, allowing the client to convert the suggestion into a belief.


Change of breathing rate

The rate of breathing slows quite obviously, and breaths become less often and much deeper, although in some people the breathing appears shallow and peaceful.  Sometimes it can sound like the client is snoring as their breathing deepens and they enter a deeper level of trance.


Change in pulse rate

Pulse rate slows down so much that it can often be difficult to even locate the pulse of a client in trance.  The heart rate slows, blood pressure decreases and often the pulse in the neck can become more visible.  As blood circulation slows down the face can adopt a translucent appearance.


Jaw relaxes

Skin seems to fall away from the face, making the face look bony and hollow with the tongue relaxing or resting gently on the bottom of the mouth as the jaw relaxes, often shown by the lips parting with the mouth open.  It almost seems as though facial musculature flattens.



A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity, so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.  It is known to occur in a variety of physical and psychological disorders, such as epilepsy and schizophrenia, and can be induced by hypnosis.


Excessive swallowing

Swallowing is a natural reflex that is brought on by hypnosis as the body lets go and relaxes deeply.


Body temperature drops

As the body starts to relax, the body’s temperature drops. It is always a good idea to cover yourself in a blanket before you start a hypnosis or meditation session. The blanket also adds a lovely layer of security or safety to the body so that it can dive deeply into the experience.