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Working Hours
Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED
From Our Gallery

Fri - Mon. 09:00 - 16:00

07 784 399 408



Self Care.

Self-care is so very important. In recent surveys done by the NHS and UK medical bodies, it has been highlighted that:

74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.

800,000 people a year around the world commit suicide.


Stress is real and has become the new deadly dis-ease.


These statistics are staggering. Stress and anxiety are quickly becoming the major presenting issues that therapists are working with.  It’s important to understand that we are all affected at different times throughout our lives with periods of feeling stressed, down, agitated, blue or just out of sorts. Most of the time we can sort our headspace out to help these moments pass relatively quickly, but often we may feel that we are struggling to move forward and need a few extra tips to help us to break the cycle. When you feel like this, try to keep your life as simple and gentle as possible so as to not introduce anything else that may feel overwhelming or to much to deal with at the time.


The power of positivity

When we are feeling out of sorts, down, or depressed, all we really feel like doing is locking ourselves away and wallowing in our problems, sleeping, or hiding from the world.  It’s actually in these times though, that a dose of social activity can work wonders to raise and completely change our mood. Often in order to change our state, we need a change of atmosphere. We bring about what we think about, so encourage your self to fake it till you make it and get yourself out of your space into the outside world.  We always have a choice to stay locked in the situation or to change our state to allow the energy of the situation to dissipate.


Be selfish

Put yourself first.  You need to treat yourself as A1 when we honour ourselves and our feelings everything else around us clicks into place more easily. Do something that you love to raise your spirits.  It may be as simple as going to your favourite shopping area, getting a coffee and having a walk around the shops. It doesn’t matter what it is, this just serves as an escape from yourself and your feelings, even if only for a couple of hours.


Get your giggle on

Laughter really is the best medicine. Sit down and watch a comedy, something that really makes you laugh, this is a great way to raise your vibration and energy levels so that you start to feel a little better, even if it is only bit by bit, it’s a step in the right direction until you feel like yourself again.


Live in the now

The past is gone and unfortunately, there is no way that it can be changed. You can either stay locked in the hurt of past experiences or move forward, onwards and upwards into new exciting moments and situations. Let go of the old so that the new may grow.


Walk your worries away

Physical exercise is great. It raises your endorphins; it revitalises your energy and feel good feelings come flooding back into the body. Choose activity, choose vitality, reengage in your life, get a spring back in your step.  Doctors prescribe low-level activity to help elevate mood, so, walk your worries away today.